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Life of a Million Dollar Babe

God is within her; She will not fall.. Insights of being in the most polluted city on earth and yet....the coolest city to be in! Gorging on ice cream and living life..

Miracle of a Child

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Went to visit my lovely German friend and his wife as they had a baby
And this little baby is such a miracle. After months of praying and waiting upon the Lord, finally she was conceived even when all doctors said there was no possibility.
Every single child is really here not by chance, but by the miracle hand of God.
When I look at her laughing it really reminds me of how thankful I should be to be here on the planet

Dissatisfaction of the Human Soul

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Been ages since I last blogged, laziness got the better of me. But seems like things bog myself down so probably need a place to let it all out.

Well...today's topic is "Dissatisfaction of the Human Soul" The 'What ifs'
Doesn't it seem as you grow older, you start to realise how stupid you have been in the past.
I blame this on dissatisfaction, or simply put, not being content in life. Being human, we are always thinking there is something better, shiner, fresher, newer and the list goes on. But what if the road ahead is not prettier but just an illusion created in your own mind. We start moving onto other things when the older and more trustworthy thing was best for you, we lay that aside and when we realise, it is always too late.

I always believe that God does have a plan for our lives, it is just a matter for us to discover. But then, have I created a big mess out of it? H.E.L.P.!!

Something Old - Something New

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

- New Bag in vintage print featured with traditional coffee

Know its a bit late to talk about 'beginning' of 2007 but then I just figured why not, its never too late. I am on a roll with my blogging!!

Well..was just thinking of life, and why we hold onto things so tightly, does treasuring the something old give us a sense of reassurance or does it just make us stubborn to give things up when it is time? At the same time does embracing something new mean that we have forgotten things/people of the past?

2007 so far has been gains and losses which I don't know which part of the scale is heavier or lighter. Struggles in my life, but all part of the beauty of life. Love life and hate circumstances!

Probably, this is the time to say "Grow up!" The time to say goodbye to my Peter Pan who keeps telling me 'It's alright, you can fly to Neverneverland and never grow up.'

COLOUR Women Conference 2007

* Warrior - Princess - Daughter*

Nearly 4000 women gathered at the Royal Albert Hall for one purpose, COLOUR hosted by Hillsong London. The venue was beautiful on the outside as well as the inside, it just blew me away!

One things that one of the speakers mentioned was that the statue outside had a verse carved outside when it was first built. Strangely enough, it actually said "Gathered all the nations" which was apt as we had so many nations in our midst of 4000 women. Regardless of if they had different names, villages, continents, perspectives, etc.. they all came together for the purposes of just glorifying God. How beautiful is that!

First post of 2007 might be on a roll?

Faith - A simple word??

Monday, September 04, 2006

Faith is something which is easy to say but yet difficult to do.
A very simple word which many of us cannot utter, in times of trouble.
I find that so true in my life that I struggle to have faith.
Esp in the times that we live in, where is faith placed

A pair of shoes labelled "Faith"??
So by labelling something/anything "Faith" does that give us faith in it?

Cinderella's Ball

Dancing the night away....

Story of My life

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Well...story of my life...this is basically it. Life evolves around Fashion.

Fashion being so fickle and changable, at the end of the day, why does it still control our lives?
-We dress a certain way because people around validate it
-To feel secure about the way we are
-Definitely to look good..

1. Diversity in London is good because everyone dresses strangely
2. They accept everyone despite of how they dress

Everything comes in TWOS?

Food again as usual...I could never understand how people can go on a diet? It is just not possible...With food as glorious as this...Never!

Today's Special:
Eggs Bendict with grilled bacon and hollandaise sauce
Sausages in mashed potato and sweet caramelised onions

Only thing that was strange everything came in sets?!?

Kingston Korean Festival

Monday, August 14, 2006

The pretty food at Korean festival....had lots to eat; sweet chicken pieces, rice cakes in spicy sauce, ice cream.....ah the list goes on....Was good fun...saw the traditional dress and bought Kiimchi.
Look at this funny fish...it is actually ice cream biscuit. Inside is filled with vanilla ice cream and creamy red beans...very yummy

Cinderella's Glass Slippers

Have you ever wondered the fascination between Women & Their Shoes....
Well...its not our fault really...especially since they taught us that since young...
Cinderella, everyone in the town wanted to fit in her perfect glass slipper just to marry a prince.
Aren't we all looking for the perfect slipper??
An excitement as we slip into the most gorgeous pair of shoes (which we think at that point in time) a tingle, a rush of adrenaline, and then realise sigh..."I can't afford that"

Click here to hear a woman's view on her 80 pairs of shoes
And here about the power that shoes have which renders women weak with desire...

Sigh and my mum complains I have too many...well I guess I have a lot but definitely less than 80 pairs??
Anyway I am not complaining, I have got my new lace up vintage style boots on today haha....

Orange Summer Time

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Havaianas Craze in the summer time

There has been a craze for these flip flops and its spreading like wild fire
Everywhere you turn, someone is in a pair of these wildly desirable flip flops
P.S. This is regards of gender so as you can see the men were not spared from being the 'fashion victim'

The fashionable me kept going "Get a pair!!!!"
While on the other hand the logical me goes "R u mad they cost a bomb for flip flops!!!"
Well....as you can see the battle was going on for a while but eventually someone won...
Sigh....I got the flip flops

Conclusion: Never fight with fashion, you will always lose out. Go with the flow, by the way that is if you know what the flow is....And they are pretty comfy and funky I guess with the colour. At least I can say I owned a pair of HAVAIANAS

American Candy

American Candy.....is it better???

Twizzlers a very commonly loved candy that you hear and see on movies.
Is it all that, being a "Low Fat" and "Artificially flavored" candy?

Answer: Since when does candy which is chock full of sugar become low fat...well probably just makes us feel better when we are guzzling down the whole packet. And as for flavouring, it tastes nothing like strawberry and obviously nothing behind the packet states strawberry contents at all....

Conclusion: Its a wonder how we the human species survives on just artificial products...have you ever imagined how your insides would be like???


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